Achieving Goals That Really Matter
Goal setting is one of the best ways to get ahead in life – but only if you’re setting your goals
Are you trying for unattainable goals that you aren’t really passionate about? Do you quickly
give up on your goals? It can be easy to get discouraged, but you don’t have to end up there!
With the right strategies, you can set goals that really matter to you and meet
them more easily than you ever imagined.
Most importantly, your goals should be yours and not someone else’s. The goals that your
parents, friends, and family members have for you may not be the same for yourself.
What’s Important to YOU?
Too many people set goals to be rich, write a best-selling novel, or marry someone who’s
famous, wealthy, or otherwise important or influential. If those are truly your dreams, there’s
nothing wrong with them. However, if they’re just society’s dreams – and not yours – let
them go, and think about what really matters to you. What do you want out of your life?
When you’re setting goals, stop and ask yourself, “What will bring me joy, beauty and

Your goals might include things like:
• Getting married
• Having children
• Finishing college
• Starting your own business
• Changing careers
• Helping others• Buying your own home
• Having material wealth
• Being physically fit
• Attaining spiritual enlightenment
No matter what you choose or how many goals you have, you can reach them if you’re
dedicated and committed to making them happen.
Making Your Dreams Come True
Once you’ve decided what really matters to you and you set your goals, you can begin to
make them a reality in your life. Although your goals will take some work, watching them
come into fruition is exciting and satisfying!
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Making Life Great!