Special package prices are available to Community and Not-for-Profit organisations to our personal development workshops for Team Building and Community Empowerment with New Ways for New Times.

STEAM is making available our online workshops to small community organisations and not-for-profit groups of up to 25 people from just $50 per person through the STEAM Executive web site.
Includes Online access to
- Discover Your Strengths Workshops
- True Blessings Twelve Day Challenge
- Flourish! Grandeur Program
- Flourish! Courage workshop

Plus access all free material
- Leadership, Service and Management
- Promise Keeper Bible Discovery Journal
- Business Skills
Twelve months access for up to 25 people
Valued at Over $1,700 per person
From only $50 per person

It’s Easy!
1. Contact us to check that you qualify
2. Your people pre-register on STEAM Executive website
3. Your organisation pays the bulk registration and gives us the list of 25 registrants
4. We give them access
Total Investment $1,250 for 12 months access
Don’t Delay!

Making Life Great!